Monday, April 9, 2012

White Privilege

After reading this, I decided to right a free verse poem focused around the privileges, specifically the 19th one. I hope you like it.

Number 19
By: Rachel Adams

 A privilege
A white privilege
Something we have, that no one else does

What is privilege?
How do we earn it?
Do I have to be white?

I thought America was the home of freedom
Where must I go to flee persecution,
The pain, the hate, the people staring?

Arizona leads the way
To the active power of racism
Good cop, bad cop, how do we know?

What must I do to gain your trust?
I am a human being, just like you
With eyes, hair, teeth, and a heart

Is it because...
I look different?
Talk different?

What must I do?
Don't question me because my skin is different
Or, my language is not of your own

Question me only
If I am doing something illegal
Not because of the way I look

I look at number 19
This describes a white privilege
But, a fear for color.


  1. Rachel, thanks for sharing such a beautifully written poem. "Do I have to be white?... What must I do?" These questions resonated me with. Number 26 impacted me the most stating, "I can choose blemish cover or bandages in "flesh" color and have them more or less match my skin." Wow. it's our society. It's not fair, but it's life.
